I've done a lot of soul searching lately. I have been thinking a lot about when I grew up.
I grew up in Utah. Went to Payson High School where there was not much of a diversity. You had ALL the white students and you had your few Latinos.
I mostly felt like the outcast in school; first of all because I was Mexican and because I felt like I didn't fit in. It was a little hard growing up being me. My skin color was different, my religion was different my language was different and I felt like people didn't really WANT to get to know me. I had a lot to offer then and I still have a lot to offer now.
It's funny because I didn't want to be Hispanic when I was young. I wanted to have long blond hair and pretty white skin like everyone else. I wanted to be able to wear the cool pastel colors of make-up and look great in them. How crazy is that!!! I don't think I have ever admitted that let alone admitted it to my friends but it's the truth. Now I look at that and think it's crazy that I wanted that. I'm proud of my brown skin and my dark black sexy hair and even proud of my beautiful brown (no tan needed) skin. :)
Why am I writing this down? I have had some concerns with my kids and school last year and even with their friends and honestly I don't really want my kids to go through what I went through growing up. I have told my kids that they should NEVER EVER be ashamed of who they are and where they came from or the color of their skin. I think it's easier now for them. I only say that because there are a lot more Hispanics in Utah; not only Hispanics but Polynesians, African American, Samoans and other cultures in Utah. My kids speak Spanish and English. We talk about everything and anything I answer all their questions honestly and never hide anything. I think now there is a lot more diversity in Utah and it's not so hard to teach them our traditions and teach them to not be ashamed of where WE and THEY come from.
I leave you with that for today.................
You are beautiful, Cecilia. Payson was a very sheltered little high school back in the day, wasn't it? I wish I had taken the time to know you better then. You are amazing and I could have had an amazing friend. Glad to be a little tighter with you these days. I'll say it again, too; You are beautiful. Hot BECAUSE of your black hair, dark eyes and dark skin.